From A to Zinc Understanding the Benefits of Childrens Multivitamins

Childhood is an important stage in anyone’s life. It’s a time of rapid growth and development, as well as overcoming milestones and challenges. So it makes sense that children have high nutrient requirements during this period, and it’s important to provide them with all the goodness their body needs. But as many will know, this is often easier said then done. Perhaps you’re going through the fussy eating stage, the ‘more interested in toys’ phase, or maybe your little one just doesn’t have a big appetite. Whatever it may be, it’s normal to need a little helping hand. Verywell’s Kids vitamin range, consisting of gummies, chewable tablets and oral sprays, contain a whole host of the vital vitamins to help support your child, as well as giving you peace of mind. As children grow up and become more adventurous, they’ll be exposed to new environments. Whether that’s taking their first steps in the back garden, petting the neighbour’s cat, or climbing trees in the park. And with this comes a whole plethora of new germs, so keeping their immune system fighting fit is so important.

All of the products in the Verywell’s Kids range contain vitamin C, which helps protect the body from damage and is needed for maintaining the barrier function of our skin to protect against external pathogens. What’s more, vitamin C is also needed for the functioning of specialised immune cells and helps with the absorption of iron, which also contributes to immune system health.

To enable your little one to be strong enough to ride their bike, play with their friends and to get up to all sorts of mischief, they need healthy bones. This requires calcium but also vitamin D, which aids in its absorption. What’s more, both are important in maintaining healthy teeth too. These supplements are also packed with an array of B vitamins which all play a role in keeping children healthy. Not only do they support the immune system, but they also contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism, the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, cognitive function and the workings of the nervous system.

Now this is all very well, but if you’re struggling to get them to eat their dinner, then how on earth will you persuade them to take a supplement? No need to worry, as the berry flavour Multivitamin Daily Oral Spray is an easy way to get your kids to enjoy their daily supplement.Simply spray onto the inside of your little one’s cheek and they’re good to go. The Multivitamin Gummies, suitable for children 3 years and over, come in strawberry and orange flavours, making vitamin intake even more appealing. The Kids Chewable Multivitamins & Minerals, which come as a pack of 60 berry flavour chewable tablets, contain 12 essential vitamins and minerals. This includes zinc, which contributes to a healthy immune system and bones, and iodine which is essential for the proper development of the nervous system in infants.         

So as you can see, children require lots of different nutrients to stay healthy (and to remain their cheeky self) and Verywell are here to make sure they get all of these.

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