How Our Multivitamins Optimise Men’s Health

As we go through life our body’s needs and requirements change and it’s important to ensure that our body is getting everything it needs to function well and keep us feeling good!

Verywell’s Men’s supplements, which includes Multivitamins + Minerals For Him and Multivitamins + Minerals For Him 50+, give you that extra bit of support to ensure that you can still run after the dog, your toddler or the grandkids.

The Verywell Multivitamins + Minerals For Him

Male fertility is not often spoken about, but it is such an important topic and one that should not be disregarded. Ensuring your body is supplied with the right nutrients, including zinc is key to supporting sperm health and poor zinc levels are a risk factor for low quality of sperm and idiopathic male infertility.1 In addition, zinc can also help regulate testosterone levels and is essential for maintaining the lining of the reproductive organs.2 The Verywell Multivitamins + Minerals for Him will have you covered with 15mg of zinc per daily dose.

Incorporating creatine monohydrate into a men’s health supplement is a game-changer, and you will find 30mg in each dose! Creatine, a natural compound found in muscles, is renowned for its ability to enhance athletic performance.3 For men, this may mean improved muscle strength and endurance, paving the way for potentially more effective workouts and overall fitness gains. But that’s not all – creatine isn’t just about physical prowess. It’s been linked to cognitive benefits, potentially boosting mental sharpness.4

Korean ginseng is a powerful adaptogenic herb that has been traditionally celebrated for its suggested ability to boost energy levels and reduce fatigue. One of its great potential benefits is its ability to support cognitive function, potentially even improving mental clarity and focus5 – think of it as a helping hand for those long days and keeping up performance.

The Verywell Multivitamins + Minerals For Him 50+

Magnesium plays a very important role in human health and is involved in over 600 enzymatic processes in the body! Whilst humans obtain magnesium mainly from the diet, inadequate magnesium intake is not uncommon and magnesium status deteriorates with ageing. Not only is it needed for maintaining energy balance, but it also plays a role in muscle health. You will find this superstar mineral in the Verywell Multivitamins + Minerals For Him 50+.

Did you know our peak bone mass is usually achieved by the time we are 30, and after this point it starts to decline? The Multivitamins + Minerals For Him 50+ contain vitamin D which is required for the absorption of calcium, alongside calcium itself. Calcium is essential for bone mineralisation plus is required for muscle contraction.6,7 Both of these nutrients can support muscle and bone health and help to reduce the risk of fractures in later life.8

The Multivitamins + Minerals For Him 50+ tablets meet the nutritional reference value for vitamin A, a nutrient that is needed for the maintenance of normal vision and to reduce the risk of vision loss. Vitamin A is also crucial in the formation of the mucus layers lining the respiratory tract and the intestines, and thus has a crucial part to play in the protection against pathogens. Not only this, but the cells involved in the immune response need vitamin A to work properly.9

CoQ10 is a naturally occurring antioxidant and a critical component in the body’s energy production process. As men age, cellular energy production may decline, which can lead to feelings of fatigue and reduced vitality. CoQ10 supplementation may help combat this by enhancing cellular energy production and reducing fatigue.10 What more could you want from an antioxidant? This is why you will find COQ10 in Multivitamins + Minerals For Him 50+.

As men age, maintaining muscle mass and strength becomes increasingly important. Essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein, play a critical role in this regard. They support muscle protein synthesis, helping to preserve and even enhance muscle mass. This is particularly crucial because age-related muscle loss, known as sarcopenia, can lead to decreased mobility and increased frailty. You will find 3 essential amino acids in the Multivitamins + Minerals For Him 50+,- L-Methionine, L-Arginine and L-Carnitine L-Tartrate.