A Nutritionist’s Guide to Wellbeing Around The Clock

We all lead different lives, with unique daily routines and varying hobbies. Perhaps you’re an early riser, or maybe you’re a night owl. You may work a 9-5 job, or perhaps you’re a shift worker. Your spare time may be spent playing sport, reading a book, visiting friends, or playing with the grandkids. However you live your life, I’m sure we can all agree on one thing… we want to feel good doing it! So as well as eating a balanced diet, doing regular exercise and taking time to relax, Verywell have a range of wellness supplements that can keep you feeling healthy and ready to take on each day!

If you want to start each day off right, then look no further than Verywell’s morning supplement. Each capsule contains vitamin B6, to support cognitive and immune function, and vitamin B12 for a healthy metabolism. What’s more, it also contains Ginkgo Biloba, an antioxidant rich1 extract from the leaves of the maidenhair tree that has been traditionally used in Chinese medicine for its energizing effects, and Lion’s Mane mushroom extract and Bacopa Monnieri, both of which have been linked to cognitive health.2,3

The gut microbiome is a hot topic at the moment, but what is it and why is it so important? The gut microbiome describes a complex ecosystem of bacteria (as well as some viruses, fungi and protozoa) that reside in our gastrointestinal tract. In fact it is estimated that 100 trillion micro-organisms exist here! No wonder that it’s referred to as a vital organ. Research has shown that our microbes play a key role in our immune and metabolic health as well as our neurobehavioural traits4 meaning it’s important that we look after it. However, the balance of bacteria within the gut can be easily disrupted by poor diet, stress, illness, and antibiotic use, therefore negatively impacting our health. But fear not, live bacteria/probiotics can help to restore this balance and Verywell’s Friendly Live Bacteria is a powerful blend of 16 scientifically proven strains of beneficial bacteria that can help support you through all of life’s hurdles.

So what about at the end of the day when you just want to switch off and forget about the trials and tribulations of work? Well you’re in luck. Verywell’s Evening Capsules contain lemon balm, a natural antioxidant that is often used as a calming agent5, as well as chamomile flower extract which is traditionally used to reduce anxiety6. Coupled with Griffonia seed, a natural source of 5-HTP which is a precursor to our sleep regulating hormones serotonin and melatonin7, the Evening Capsules are sure to round off your day in the best way possible and get you ready for a good night’s sleep.

If you need an extra helping hand in the relaxation department, the vegan-friendly Chill-Out capsules will become your best companion. As well as L-taurine and Lemon Balm, they contain Ashwagandha, an ayurvedic adaptogenic traditionally used to help the body cope with stress and anxiety8. Ashwagandha is also the star of the show in Verywell’s dedicated Ashwagandha KSM-66® berry flavour gummies.

So whatever life throws at you, Verywell’s wellbeing range are here to make thing just that little bit easier.